
What is it? 

The skin prick, or scratch test, is used to identify specific allergens that may be causing IgE allergy symptoms or contributing to other respiratory illnesses. Diluted allergens are applied to the skin and a plastic device is used to prick the surface. After the allergens are applied, the test site is checked for redness and or the development of a wheal. A wheal is a bump due to mass cell degranulation of the cutaneous cells, indicating an allergic reaction. Within 15 minutes it is clear whether there is a positive or negative reaction to each specific allergen. 

By using a positive and negative control, the test ensures that the patient is reacting to the specific allergens.  The negative control is the saline buffer solution, containing no allergens, and there should not be a reaction to this. The positive control contains histamine, and there should be a reaction to this. Based on the size of the reaction to the positive control (ie. 3mm wheal), a positive allergen result is anything 3mm greater than the reaction to the positive control. Based on the results of the allergy test, immunotherapy allergy treatment can begin!

What allergens can we test? 

  • Cat 

  • Dog

  • Dustmite mix: Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides Farinae

  • Mould mix: Alternaria, Cladosporium, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Penicillium

  • Standard grass mix: June, Orchard, Sweet Vernal, Timothy, Red Top

  • Ragweed mix: Short and Tall

  • Tree mix 2: Birch and Alder

  • Tree mix 10: Alder, Birch, Oak, Poplar, Elm, Maple, Hickory, Sycamore, Ash, Beech

  • Weed 4 mix: Cocklebur, Pigweed, English Plantain, Lamb’s Quarter

What is allergy testing indicated for?  

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Year-round environmental allergies

  • Asthma

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Other immune and respiratory illnesses


  • Existing patients: $135 for visit + test

  • New patients (with allergies as chief concern): Initial visit + test for $200 

Treatment options: Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

Sublingual immunotherapy is a form of specific immunotherapy that is used to treat respiratory allergic diseases by means of developing immunity or tolerance to allergens via gradual exposure. The outcome is a reduction in allergy symptoms, decreasing the need for medications, and preventing the development of asthma or new allergies.

Quantum Allergy Canada is a company that compounds immunotherapy drops based on an individual patients’ specific allergies. These individualized drops are taken daily under the tongue, before allergy season, to help balance out the T-Helper 1 (non-allergic) and T-Helper 2 (allergic) immune cells. SLIT can be a safe and effective treatment for allergies. Visit http://quantumallergycanada.com/a-patients-guide-to-slit-sublingual-immunotherapy/ for more information.  

Please contact us at clinic@revelstokeintegrative.ca to see if allergy testing is right for you and your family!


Sublingual immunotherapy: World Allergy Organization position paper 2013 update. World Allergy Organization Journal 2014, 7:6

Update on allergy immunotherapy: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology/European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology/PRACTALL consensus report. A. Wesley Burks, MD et al. JACI May 2013 Vol 131, Issue 5, 1288-1296

Allergies and Asthma. Retrieved from: https://asthma.ca/get-help/allergies-and-asthma/ on September 2, 2020. 

Allergy Immunotherapy. Retrieved from: https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-treatment/allergy-immunotherapy on September 2, 2020.