Initial Assessments

An initial appointment is required for every first time patient. A 60-minute (Adolescent and Pediatric) or 75-minute (Adult) visit provides us with the opportunity to thoroughly discuss your health concerns, lifestyle factors, personal and family medical history, and complete a focused physical exam, when indicated. A treatment plan will be created to best suit you and your specific health needs and goals. Your treatment plan may include the following treatment modalities / services:

  • Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and balance. It is based on the belief that the body has a vital energy, known as "Qi" (pronounced "chee"), which flows through pathways called meridians. When this energy is blocked or unbalanced, it can lead to various physical and emotional issues.

    The practice aims to restore the smooth flow of Qi, which can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and support overall health. Acupuncture is commonly used to address a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive disorders.

  • Herbal medicines often have a more gradual approach to healing, have fewer side effects on the body, and utilize synergy to stimulate the healing power of nature. The goal is to nurture and restore physiological balance of any weakened system.
    From tinctures and teas, to adding herbs into our diet, there is something suitable for everyone. A few conditions that benefit greatly from herbal medicine include, but are not limited to: digestive complaints (irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea), anxiety and mood disorders, blood sugar dysregulation, hormonal dysregulation (premenstrual syndrome, menopause, anovulation), acute viral infections, and insomnia.

  • The complexities of the human experience affect us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Whether there has been recent trauma, past trauma, or overwhelming stressors, it is so important to address the emotional impact and weight of these experiences on our overall health. Mental, emotional, or physical, stress has the same implications on our physiology. The root cause of physical pain, digestive issues, sleep problems, anxiety and depression often has an emotional component. Naturopathic doctors are trained in clinical counselling, an essential tool for addressing mental and emotional healing, and counselling will be incorporated in treatment visits, as needed.

  • Clinical nutrition is a vital aspect of naturopathic medicine that focuses on the relationship between diet, health, and disease management. It involves the assessment of an individual’s dietary habits, nutritional status, and specific health needs to develop tailored nutrition interventions.

  • Theralase® therapeutic laser treatments provide you with a safe, effective and painless therapy that uses the body's own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.

  • Perimenopause through to post menopause can be a challenging transition for many women. There are many safe and effective treatment options to help support cognitive symptoms (mood + memory), vaginal dryness / irritation, joint pain / aching, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and more. We base our treatments off of the most up to date information from the North American Menopause Society.

  • The skin prick test, or scratch test, is helpful for identifying environmental allergies that can contribute to many health problems. We can then offer SLIT therapy (allergy drops) to help desensitize your immune system so you become less reactive to these allergies long term.

    What allergens can we test? 

    • Cat 

    • Dog

    • Dustmite mix: Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides Farinae

    • Mould mix: Alternaria, Cladosporium, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Penicillium

    • Standard grass mix: June, Orchard, Sweet Vernal, Timothy, Red Top

    • Ragweed mix: Short and Tall

    • Tree mix 2: Birch and Alder

    • Tree mix 10: Alder, Birch, Oak, Poplar, Elm, Maple, Hickory, Sycamore, Ash, Beech

    • Weed 4 mix: Cocklebur, Pigweed, English Plantain, Lamb’s Quarter

    *If you are a first time patient and looking for this service specifically, please book an IgE Skin Prick Test Initial

  • We offer vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 intramuscular injections to help boost energy, support immune health, and combat these nutritional deficiencies.

  • IV therapy nourishes the body with therapeutic doses of vitamins and minerals, while bypassing the digestive tract. When indicated, IV therapy can be a very supportive treatment to give the body the energy needed for healing. This treatment can be very effective for combating nutrient deficiencies, chronic stress, irritable bowel disease, celiac disease, acute colds / flus, migraine headaches and others.

    We offer a variety of IVs, tailored to your indivdual needs, including: Myer’s Vitamin / Minerals, High Dose Vitamin C, Glutathione Add On, NAD + Add On. Please inquire to see if these IVs are right for you.

    *If you are a first time patient and looking for this service specifically, please book an IV Therapy Initial

  • Iron is a very challenging mineral to absorb from our diet and often times oral supplementation causes side effects or does not combat the absorption issue. If you struggle from iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, or have symptoms of low iron, please get in contact to see if an IV iron infusion is right for you. We do require blood work from the last 3 months and a preconsult to ensure this is the right treatment for you.

    *If you are a first time patient and looking for this service specifically, please book an IV Iron Screening Appointment

  • When indicated, lab testing helps to provide us with additional information to your medical history and can help us understand your symptom profile. This may include blood, saliva, urine, or stool testing.

    General blood testing via:

    • Lifelabs

    • Valley Medical Labs

    • Pricing varies

    Comprehensive Stool Analysis

    DUTCH Hormone Testing

    Cortisol Testing

    SIBO Testing

    ARMIN Labs Testing (Lyme disease)

    Vibrant Labs TickBorne Disease Testing (Lyme + coinfections)

    IgG Food Sensitivity Testing (RMA)

    Methylation Testing

    Mold Toxicity

    Heavy Metals

    Nutritional Evaluation / NutraEval

    Advanced Autoimmune Testing (Advise CTE)

  • Naturopathic medicine principles focus on removing the obstacles to cure and finding the root cause of disease. This often requires us to focus on the foundations of health: sleep, nutrition, stress management, exercise, purpose and meaning. These changes can be very challenging and can take time to implement. We want to make a plan that is sustainable and will help lay the foundation of health for years to come.

  • Regenerative injection therapies can all be used to help stimulate healing in acute and chronic injuries. These injections include:

    • Prolotherapy

    • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

    • Neural therapy / Peri-neural

    • Trigger point release injections

    Dr. Lauren Goss and Dr. Kim Niddery are both currently treating the upper and lower extremities with prolotherapy and PRP.

    *If you are a first time patient and looking for this service specifically, please book a Prolotherapy Initial or PRP Assessment

  • Structural alignment doesn’t always solely impact bones and muscles; it can also affect the nervous system and visceral tissue supplied by each nerve. By realigning bones, releasing muscle, nerve, and vascular tension, pain can be relieved and function can be restored. It is also important to find out why misalignments exist: postural positioning, muscular imbalances, injury compensations, stress, or tension can contribute to misalignment. Treatments can include: soft tissue release, bone realignment (oseous manipulation), hydrotherapy, and laser therapy. The goal is to help increase blood flow, encourage tissue repair, and restore physical function, getting you moving and back doing what you love.

  • Dr. Lauren Goss and Dr. Kim Niddery are both certified in prescriptive authority, by the CCHPBC, and can prescribe pharmaceutical prescriptions when necessary, and in the best interest of their patients.

  • If intestinal absorption is not optimal or our body is needing more specific nutrients during a period of stress or dysfunction, supplements can provide the body with the additional nutrients needed. We use third party tested, professional companies, to help meet our desired health outcomes.


IgE Skin Prick Allergy Test


IV Iron Therapy



PRP / Prolotherapy